1. After member registration, log in to My Page and register the URL of the website in which you want to use Web fonts from “Site Registration/PV Report”.
2. Obtain the TypeSquare tag in “How to Use” and write it in the header of the html file. The TypeSquare tag must be written not only in the registered URL, but also in all the web pages in which Web fonts will be used.
3. After you specify fonts, cloud fonts are distributed. Specify the font names under ""font-family"" in your CSS. You can see the available font names in “Font List” after login. In the PC to which fonts with the same names of those to be distributed by TypeSquare are installed, specify fonts of your choice using your Web page generation software.
4. Let the site go live and check that the specified fonts are applied.
For more information, see “How to Use” in My Page after log in.