Display of Fonts
☁︎Web fonts
- Can I apply TypeSquare Web fonts to the characters added later with JavaScript?
- The specified web font is not displayed.
- Some web fonts do not render with anti-aliasing.
- Does the cache remain in the browser?
- Can variations and characters for vertical writing be displayed?
- Can I use web fonts for characters input in a form?
- Can I resolve the symptom that the text of a web site is displayed with the default font of the browser before web fonts are applied?
- The Web fonts are displayed improperly under certain IE8 environments for Windows.
- I want to change the weight of my fonts, but the "bold" setting on my font does not change the weight of my font.
- The characters are not displayed correctly, and a symptom like garbled characters occurs.
- The characters that displayed with the editor I used to create a web site are not displayed on a web browser.
- The Web fonts are not applied within the frame of the inline frame of IE9 and later versions.