You will need to uninstall the older version of TypeSquare Desktop Manager so that you can update it to version 2.0.4.
If you are using TypeSquare Desktop Manager 1.0.2 or earlier for Mac, you need to run the uninstaller.
Get the uninstaller from the following URL and uninstall the older version of TypeSquare Desktop Manager.
If you are using TypeSquare Desktop Manager version 1.0.3 or later, you can uninstall it by using the 2.0.4 installer without any uninstaller, but if you move or delete the uninstaller of 1.0.3, the same error will occur. Even in that case, get the uninstaller from the following URL and uninstall the older version of TypeSquare Desktop Manager.
1. Launch the downloaded uninstaller.
2. Click Uninstall.
3. Uninstaller helper installation is executed.
4. Uninstallation is complete.
Note: After uninstalling the older version, restart your OS and install 2.0.4.